Friday 1 October 2010


Yang Menjalankan Tugas AyuTimah at 02:52

Hello and assalamualaikum to my hunny bunnies... (Consider that all of u is my hunny it’s plural isn’t it?)

Last night, MY FRIENDS and I went to watch the premier of Mamat Khalid latest movie, ESTET at the auditorium. Actually on the ticket it stated that the movie will starts at 8.00pm. But you know Malaysian. If they said 8.00 please come at 8.30 because I can guarantee that it will not start on time. With all those so-called glitch, it will always be like that.

Hey you know that nowadays its always raining at my place.. If is not in the morning, it will be raining at night/afternoon… I like rainy day...Cold weather always be my good excuse to stay longer under my home-smell blanket.. Actually, most of things that I have here in my room, most of them not actually belong to me at the first place.. For example, the blanket and the quilt is actually my mom’s. And also the telekung is my mom’s. As for the kain, I take my dad’s kain pelikat.. I have my own, but still it is not the same. I just want something that makes me feels like home.. You know, life in a surrounding that full of crap, I just need something that can remember me to my mom and dad. I can just call them isn’t it? But you know, I’m just trying to be very macho since I like to teases my younger sister that I think is very childish. She always calls home for something that I think not important to report. For instance, she calls home just to report to my mom that the sandal that she uses to go to the toilet was being stolen. What a crap. And also, being a person who can’t easily speak my heart, it is very difficult for me to say “emak..rindulah” instead, I just said “ saje-je tepon ni ha..” ..hahaha.. I feel like very stupid.. Hello it’s your mother, ok.. Why should you ashamed to your own mother.. IT IS JUST THE REAL ME. I don’t know how to get people to know what is actually linger in my heart and my mind. I like to keep all of it only to myself.

Ahahaha.. Enough of all those crap. I actually not put a high expectation before I watch it because I don’t want to feels disappointed. I just hope that my RM6 is worth. Thanks to my dear fifie. She’s the one who ask me and yanti to join her to that premier and she also the one who got the ticket for us. She’s very excited since she not involves anymore with JMK things that always makes her very busy like YB.. No time to berpoye2 with friends.. When arrived there, there were not as much people as I thought. Maybe they are all busy or as man said that, maybe there’s not enough promotion done by the event organizer. We chose the center deck of the auditorium. You know, It will be such a waste of time if we went there just to sat somewhere 500metres from the screen.. Then, what we can see is just people’s head isn’t it.

After we settled at our seat for almost 15 minutes, watching the trailer over, over and over again until we can recite and recalled every scene and lines… i said to yanti “ape nih? Ulang2 macam sakai..dah naik hapal dah aku dialog nye”.. yanti and fifie with their hands, mimicking the movement in that trailer make it more fun.. We have a good laugh about it.. But u know, hanging around with peoples who always in a sense of humor even a hard time, I can’t give an excuse for not to laugh hard. After some time, then Mamat Khalid came with his delegation. I thought it is about 20 of them. but surprisingly, I just know Mamat rest of them I thought maybe the production crew etc. after giving some welcoming speech, they switch off the light and the movie start.


1. As for Farid Kamil (lead), I think in this movie, he is away from his usual role. In this movie, he became like very the sengal-ubi-kayu.. so cute.. with his style of combing hair, it make audiences roar with laughter.. then, the most memorable quotes is

“lepas raya nih saya nak beli skuter”

For those who not yet watch this movie, you might even wonder, why this quote is freaking hilarious for me..

2. Second lead, shasi Tharan. At first, Yanti thought that the one who sat beside Mamat Khalid is KS Maniam.. (this is another thing that makes me laugh so hard)..with his glasses on, he is very charming Indian man I can say.. hoho.. this is his first malay/mainstream movie.his acting? just nice for a new comer.

3. KS maniam (well known author, most of his work is in English language) also play a role in this movie. all of us, keep asking to each other, “mane satu yang KS maniam nye?”.. Because all of us don’t know how he looks like.. then later on, we know. I never know that KS maniam, a very prolific writer can even act. What a super talented man.

4. Jasmine Micheal, lead actress.. I like her.. she is stunningly beautiful.. at first her spot was meant for Jaclyn Victor. But since jac declined the offer because of some reasons, jasmine was then offered..her acting? just nice..

5. Sofi Jikan.. I don’t know much about him. He seems like very laid back artiste. No controversy. But I like his style of acting.. he seems acting serious, but it is very funny in the sense of his dialogue and situation at that time.. in zombie kampong pisang, one quote about him “biarlah si sopi tuh cakap..dia kan ade SPM”.. it is very funny you know.. in this movie,

“ini last warning aku yang PERTAMA”

I just can’t stop laughing..

6. Rosyam nor. Thank god. I hate him before. With all his romantics’ drama and all that, I just can’t take it anymore.. but then, he is different in this movies. And I like it.. his character in this movie kind of similar to rajnikanh but in a very funny way. With red shoes, yellow shirt. Its look like hero tamil I can say.. but he is very funny..i like2..

7. Mamat Khalid.. I like his style.. all of his movies is somehow or rather bring a message for audience to thinks. It is not just about having fun, laughing for nothing. It is more and beyond the audience interpretation. And also..The comedy in his movie is obviously not slapstick.. i hate slapstick comedy.. only with words, it can brings the laughter from the audiences. And also I can’t wait for HANTU KAK LIMAH BALIK RUMAH to be release. Maybe next year..

8. As for all the actors, they mix well together in this movie.. Every character has their roles that contributes to the storyline and make it connected. I love that juling man, and then, the goal keeper.. and also that sissy guy..they are very funny..But somehow, at the beginning, i think the first 15 minutes can be improved in certain parts.

But overall.. im happy that my RM6 is worth. This movie is worth it and it will be at cinema on early November 2010..

I’m sorry, my English is very bad..very atrocious.. but do correct me if I’m wrong..



F.Aminurrashidd said...

hohoho.. ayat yg leh di hapal bila si Mohan cakap, eeeiiii ni yg aku marah niee.. har har har (34 kali scenes same ulang)

si jasmine memula aku igtkan si pasa sandha.. lalalala

Bungakopi said...

entri bm ko kelakar lg kalau wat pasal review nih.

aku seorang Temah said...

pawez: ahahahaa... adoi.. i love the the scene when he stops that pak lebai at the road side.. ahahahah..and then, the motobike broke down..omaigod..very funny..

bungakopi: ahaha..if i wrote it in malay, i will be 5 meters longer than this.. coz i have so many thing to say.. hahah but somehow writing in english makes it a bit more formal.. but i try to polish my skill.. so that, whether in english or in malay, people still can understand what i want to convey.


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