Sunday 26 September 2010


Yang Menjalankan Tugas AyuTimah at 18:52

Tell me when was the time that people around you treat you as equal?

Can you tell me now?

You can’t?

Guess what.. I already know the answer since then..

You can’t even remember when that time is because the time that you were looking for

does not exist.

All this time, you just playing hide and seek with your own self..

You thought of hiding yourself from the truth.

So that you will not encounter with the reality..

The reality that you simply shove it under your bed..

Pretending that it is not there..

Pretending that everything just fine..

Everything flow according to your will..

But you are very wrong..

Please wake up..

Before I wake you up by slamming your head against the wall..

Before I wake you up by stabbing your face with the fork..

Or before I wake you up by simply kicking up your butt..

Now you choose..

Before I chose it for you..

yours sincerely,



♥ elle ♥ said...

erk nk order krepek 1 leyh??

F.Aminurrashidd said...

merepek ape ko? hahaha

aku seorang Temah said...

aku tak jual kepek la elle..
aku pun teringt nak makan kepek nih.. kepek ubi masin.. sodap2..

pawez: aku baut iklan kerepek je nih ha..


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